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Expo 2030 Roma | What better place than Rome to host Expo 2030?
Expo 2030 Roma (ENG sub ENG)
Expo 2030 Roma | Stati Generali - The Rome you don't expect
Expo 2030 Roma | 20 June 2022 Paris - Intro video presentation (SUB FR)
Expo 2030 Roma | The masterplan project
Presentazione candidatura ROMA EXPO 2030
Expo 2030 Roma | Antonio Tajani at the third BIE meeting for Expo 2030 Roma
Expo 2030 Roma | Carlo Ratti presenting the Expo 2030 Roma 3D masterplan at the BIE
These 4 countries want to host Expo 2030
Expo 2030 Roma
Expo 2030 Roma | Stati Generali - Media Work Table: Why Rome?